Crew training management

Skylegs training module has the best crew training management tools. Configure unique requirements for each type of qualification and leave it up to the system to calculate all expiry dates of crew members records. Ultimately, you can set renewal cycles, end of month expiration rule, qualification exemption period, among others.

Crew assignment

Control the crew assignment on flights according to their qualifications. As a result, you can assign captains, first-officers, line trainers, trainee pilots, cabin crew and others. Based on that, the system automatically suggests crew members for the left, right and observer seats when you schedule a flight.

Records & certificates

Monitor crew members and other employees qualification records. Track course renewals and keep old records and certificates in the database. Besides that, you can generate several training reports in PDF or XLS. Make your pilot training record management a breeze by enabling automatic import of training data from Scandlearn.

Courses & simulator

As a complete crew training management platform, Skylegs allows you to schedule courses for the crew. For example, you can book ground trainings and simulator sessions. Add participants and instructors, generate course attendance list and certificates. All ground trainings will be published on the crew members’ roster and Crew App.

Notifications & warnings

When the crew is not qualified to fly, the system shows warnings and suggests other crew members. The pilots and cabin crew themselves can monitor their records expiry dates via the web platform or the Crew App. And to make sure nothing goes unnoticed, the training department and users receive a notification by email when a course is about to expire.

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