Skylegs Flight Time Limitations Platform
Aircraft operators worldwide are obliged to comply with the crew Flight Time Limitations regulations applicable to their region or country. The maximum duty period, minimum rest and several other requirements must be met. What are the difficulties in this process? And how does Skylegs Flight Time Limitations platform solves these issues?
What are Flight Time Limitations (FTL)?
Common Flight Time Limitations (FTL) issues
Soltutions broght by Skylegs Flight Time Limitations platform
What are Flight Time Limitations (FTL)?
Flight Time Limitations are rules applied to flight duties that prevent crew members fatigue, so that they are able to operate to an adequate level of safety.
Therefore, a Flight Time Limitations regulation establishes the requirements of flight and duty time, as well as minimum rest requirements of crew members. Air operators and crew must comply with all obligations.
Common Flight Time Limitations (FTL) issues
If the operator does not use a specialised Flight Time Limitations platform, their operations team and crew members commonly face the following issues:
- Having no specialised platform: If an operator does not have a flight time limitations calculator, and if they rely on manual input (for instance, through Excel sheets), mistakes are more likely to happen. In addition, the process takes much longer and a lot of effort is necessary.
- Using a generic tool: If an operator uses a generic flight time limitations software which is not specific for their organisation, they may get wrong results. This can happen when the operations manual is more restrictive than the local regulation.
- Entering variable reporting time: The operations team spends time calculating the crew sign-in and sign-out times during flight preparation. This is troublesome if the reporting time changes according to the aircraft, airport or flight category.
- Identifying patterns: It is difficult for operators to identify scenarios and patterns with long flight duty periods combined with minimum rest periods.
- Determining minimum rest: It is difficult for operators to determine the minimum legal rest period after each flight.
- Detecting violations: Sometimes operators do not easily notice when the crew exceeds the maximum flight duty period, especially if they do not use a flight duty calculation software.
Solutions brought by Skylegs Flight Time Limitations platform
The benefits of using Skylegs FTL calculation are countless. These are some of them:
Skylegs is a specialised Flight Time Limitations platform. It automatically calculates the limitations according to your Civil Aviation Authority’s (CAA) regulation or the company’s Operations Manual. It takes into account all crew duties: flight duties, positioning (reallocation), office duties and any other duty activity which is not related to a flight. If there is any exceedance, the system immediately warns the operations department, so that they can adjust the schedule accordingly.
Crew duty reports
You can generate and download full reports from Skylegs in different formats (PDF and Excel). And it is possible to access future and past reports any time. Skylegs keeps the data indefinitely.
Reporting time
You may configure different crew reporting times (sign-in and sign-out times) depending on the flight category, aircraft, airport and other elements. Besides that, to allow even more flexibility, you can manually adjust the reporting time during flight preparation or after the flight.
Types of duties and schemes
Skylegs detects flight duties, normal duties and rest periods. Additionally, it chooses the correct scheme, such as extension, split duty, in-flight rest, rest reduction and others, in order to achieve a crew roster without violations. Thus, little or no intervention from the user is necessary. However, if required, you can manually indicate the following scenarios: the end of a duty period, provision of suitable accommodations and if there is enlarged or double crew.
FTL violations and warnings
When there is an FTL violation, Skylegs shows warnings so that the responsible people are aware and can adjust the schedule. The warnings are visible from the dashboard (the initial page of Skylegs), from the schedule, inside the missions and quotes, and from the crew duty reports. Besides that, if there is any violation after the flight completion, the system sends a notification via email to the relevant department.
Adequate fatigue risk management
With Skylegs, your organisation is able to adequately manage fatigue. Fatigue management is a method of assessing and acting upon safety outcomes related to fatigue. You may choose to implement a meticulous Fatigue Risk Management System (FRMS), which allows you to make a more effective use of resources, increase flexibility and ultimately, improve the safety level of the operations. FRMS is possible with the integration between Skylegs and Pulsar Informatics. Alternatively, you can opt for a simpler fatigue risk management by using the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale.
Some of the supported regulations
Skylegs Flight Time Limitations platform currently supports more than 20 different regulations. If yours is not listed below, please check the next topic “custom regulation implementation”.
EASA | Commission Regulation (EU) No 83/2014 Air OPS Regulation – Flight Time Limitations (FTL) and rest requirements for commercial air transport (CAT) operations with aeroplanes
EASA | Commission Regulation (EC) No 859/2008, Subpart Q Common technical requirements and administrative procedures applicable to commercial transportation by aeroplane
Country-specific regulations of the 859/2008 are also covered:
- Belgium
- Switzerland
- Germany
- Italy
- France
- Malta
- The Netherlands
- Slovenia
- Sweden
- Finland
- Austria
United Kingdom | CAP 371 SP Avoidance Of Fatigue in Air Crews
United States | FAA Part 135, Subpart F Federal Aviation Regulation Part 135
Canada | Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs)
Flight time limitations for:
Isle of Man | Air Navigation Order 2015 The Air Navigation (Isle of Man) Order 2015
San Marino | CAR OPS 1, Subpart Q Commercial Air Transportation
United Arab Emirates | CAR-OPS 1, Subpart Q Civil Aviation Regulation Part IV, Operations Regulations
Custom regulation implementation
Skylegs provides custom FTL implementation. In other words, we do the necessary development work if your organisation follows a different regulation which is not mentioned above, or if you would like to implement your own rules according to the operations manual. As a result, all crew duty reports, warnings and logics will run according to your organisation requirements.